Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dessert Of The Year

Ajamma's Apricot Custard

Apricots have always been a great favourite in our household and the dessert of the year eagerly awaited every New Year. My grandmother or Ajamma as we fondly called her would always serve up this delightful dessert every New Year and make sure that the dried apricots were dispatched well in advance to her two daughters who lived in other Indian states. Once I got married, I carried on with this tradition although I must say we have it more often. And a great way of welcoming the New Year. To 2010!
The Recipe
1/4 kg dried apricots; sugar to taste; 1 cup hot water.
Soak apricots in hot water overnight. Next day deseed and cook to boiling point with sugar to taste. Lower heat and thicken. Remove and cool. In the meanwhile extract the nuts and add to apricots. Serve cold with custard or cream.

1 cup milk; 2 dsp Bird’s Eye Custard Powder; sugar to taste.

Dissolve the custard powder in a little milk and keep aside. Mix the milk and sugar together and when it begins to boil, lower flame and add the custard mixture slowly, stirring all the while. Bring to the boil. Simmer one minute. Transfer to serving bowl and cool. Serve with the apricots.

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