Saturday, December 12, 2009

One For The Road


Wine making has been a part of our lives since childhood. Every year my dad would buy the grapes and assisted by my mother make jars of wine for Christmas. Carol singers and others were always given wine and of course we children would take advantage of the season.
Once we grew up all of us began experimenting and Kenny & Anu made some of the most unbelievable concoctions. No one enjoyed this more than Nehru who found it a novelty to be chief taster. Once we moved to Kuala Lumpur the sampling stopped. However, whenever we visited there was something new to taste and we went to the extent of carrying our favourites back to Malaysia carefully wrapped in paper and protected by layers of clothing.
I happened to taste an exquisite liqueur during my visit to Bangalore last year. I liked it so much that I obtained the recipe on my return to KL. And dear Nehru tasted it everyday until it got over. So I ‘m making it again for Christmas.

The Recipe:

300 g package dried apricots; 225 gms sugar; 500 ml vodka

Boil apricots in a little water until soft.  Cool completely.  Place all ingredients in a 2 litre glass jar.  Seal tight. Keep for 3 weeks.  Use as required.

Quick, easy, and perfect for Christmas.


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